Can i get response now and not get rejected?

Observera mera Observeramera at
Sat Dec 18 11:20:54 GMT 2021

I cant esit the pdf original text, im in a hobby/startupphase of a translation/editing company i would like to heavily lean on okular but if i cant do that, translating long books, i would need to buy a morr standard program, not Adobe for gods sake but foxit seems much better, only 1 tracker tracking us in foxit while 8 tracking our behvaior in adobe, easy cakl. My karma says though that i already benifited from okular and would like to contribute to the community, maybe by translating something into Swedish?
Also dontating i want to do, a pitty It feels to not give those 100$ for foxit to you instead but seems i have to and use both programs for diffrent purposes.

Skickat från ProtonMail mobile

-------- Originalmeddelande --------
På 18 dec. 2021 11:32, Albert Astals Cid skrev:

> El dissabte, 18 de desembre de 2021, a les 9:53:01 (CET), Observera mera va escriure:
>> Can i get response now and not get rejected?
> What is the question?
> Best Regards,
> Albert
>> Skickat från ProtonMail mobile
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