Editing features

Oliver Sander oliver.sander at tu-dresden.de
Mon Apr 1 13:35:40 BST 2019

> "Okular is a universal document viewer", yes we have *very light editing* but that's what people expect in a viewer. I don't think the general public expects a viewer to let them remove pages or reorder them.

I am not convinced of this claim.

>> * A separate competitive pdf editing application is nowhere in sight,
>>   and given the scarce developer resources that even Okular receives,
>>   I don't see it coming anytime soon.
> It's much simpler to do a separate app than do it correctly in Okular. Honestly i could code an app that let's you remove/reorder/merge documents in one or two days 

I am sure that you are correct, but nobody is actually writing that app.

> (then wait a bit for someone to draw a nice icon :D), poppler gives it to you almost for free (i mean there's pdfseparate and pdfunite that are basically what you want). So if people stopped trying to shoehorn those features into Okular and just started a new app we'd be all done much earlier.

Technically you may be correct, but politically it is the other way around.
In particular, I may be able to get funding for (simple) editor features in Okular,
but I will certainly not get funding to start a KDE editing app from scratch.



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