2 workshops for the conference

Daniel Molkentin molkentin at kde.org
Wed Apr 30 09:50:13 CEST 2003

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I thought about interesting and important issues that we should discuss (and 
possibly solve) at Nove Hrady. Please send further input so we can organize
that in the best way. I guess it will also be imporant for the organization of 
the event so I prereferred to post it now that later. Note that those are 
ideas, I am not going to organize both, the other one is only sort of a 

1) A while back, Matthias suggested KDE integration into Qt ("KDE as a 
supported pattform for Qt"). This is very important for the perception of 
consistance (key word: file-open dialog, but that doesn't cover everything of 
course). What progress has Trolltech already made for Qt4 wrt that? I'd like 
to propose to set up a "task force" from TT and KDE developers that work out 
a sensible plan. Should this be done a workshop? Matthias, what do you think?

Type: Workshop
Participants: TT developers, KDE developers
Organizer: open, any takers?

2) Under Windows, MacOS and other operating systems, the user is used to a 
consistant set of tools for basic system administration. Currently every 
distribution ships their own setup routines for that. While this is perfectly 
fine for the setup itself, I think tools for basic system administration (at 
least for the average set of tasks a home user has, I'd prefer DE-integrated 
tools (I am thinking of a KControl spin-off similar to KInfoCenter containing 
applets for (basic) system administration). Those should have backends for 
each distributor to fit his needs (ideally perl I guess, assuming Perl 
knowlege > C++ kowledge at most distributors). The other side is probably the 
marketing side of things (many people buy Distributions because they like 
their tools, so I guess many don't even want to drop sets of them for the 
sake of something common. This also needs to be worked out.

Type: Workshop
Participants: KControl-involved/interested developers, distributors
Organizer: so far only me. Chris, can you come/are you interested?

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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