<br>Hi ml,<div><br></div><div>Brief introduction to my gsoc project: Making a 'project manager' using nepomuk. One can associate 'things' like notes,contacts,events,files,webpages to a project one is working on, later on retrieve them. This is just a dry intro don't get disappointed by it. :)</div>
<div>As it is something everyone can directly test/try/use it would be great if more people can participate in the conversation in the mailing list. Suggest features they would want. </div><div><br></div><div><div class="gmail_quote">
<br></div><div class="gmail_quote"><b>What has been done so far:<br></b>
<br>I think i have fixed the GUI design, i had confusion about how it should be and i dumped the old code (i made all the wrong GUI choices).<br>Right now i provide support for these:<br>1)User Can Create A project with the Project Integrator. (PI)<br>
2)Can Browse already created pimo:Projects, notes, Persons,Tasks.<br>3)Drag
and Drop support for files and notes. If a File is dropped it is
treated is a file resource, if a plain text content is dropped it is
saved as a note. So you keep dropping text snippets and files whatever you want like crazy and it will keep 'relating' them to the project.<br>4)Linking a file to the project by opening it through the filedialog<br>
<br>5)Live project: i have hard coded the live project at the moment.Going to change that soon.<br><br><br><img src="cid:ii_1308afe756c7a78a" alt="sn2.png" title="sn2.png"><br>
Where i faced problems and still have to work on it:<br>I need to create a listview and store the search results in that view, also the ability to select any project in the view as live project.<br><br><br>What I will do for the next few days:<br>
1) List view thing mentioned above<br>2) A tree view for displaying things attached to the liveProject.<br>3) issues about setting note identifier, issues about using a 'non-indexed' file. <br>
</div><div class="gmail_quote"><br></div><div class="gmail_quote">Your inputs can help:</div><div class="gmail_quote">1) Gui design </div><div class="gmail_quote"><br></div><div class="gmail_quote">2) The plan is to make the project manager almost 'invisible' -> i wish to create a little system tray icon or plasma widget for the plasma panel. When you are working on a project say your gsoc project (which you will set as the 'liveProject'...you can change the live project) and you drag drop some file or note. So what else can be done to make it more 'invisible'</div>
<div class="gmail_quote"><br></div><div class="gmail_quote">3) Besides files,notes,contacts,names,webpages..what are other things that are a MUST for any project you might be working on?</div><div class="gmail_quote"><br>
</div><div class="gmail_quote">4) any concerns on search functionalities..? </div><br></div><div>Cheers,</div><div>Swair</div>