Hello list,<br>first of all i'd like to thank all of you for the hints you gave me.<br><br>I feel it's time for the first PMC meeting as I've just detected some new priorities to take care of.<br>I took the freedom to cross-post as such projects are involved in PMC or will get involved soon.<br>
<br>So please, anybody interested in PMC, just point out which part of the day and which day is more suitable for you.<br>I'd like this meeting to happen the 12th, 13th or the 14th of June in particular. From 6.00AM to 4.00PM UTC is my preferred range.<br>
<br>For those who don't know we'll meet in the #plasma-mediacenter channel :)<br><br>Please add your name and IRC nick together with your preferences so we can try to make everybody happy.<br><br>What the meeting will be about follows:<br>
<br>* Porting of input handling in PMC to QGesture in order to unify different kind of inputs under the same action type<br>* Porting of the browsing backends to nepomuk. In particular a generic NepomukMediaFileModel might be an interesting challenge.<br>
* MediaBrowser backends API review<br>* Qt Declarative integration for the home screen of PMC.<br>* Phonon + Video issues addressing (through KWin plugin idea by Aaron?)<br><br>In addition to those points there's also need for Docs + API review in general and performance fixes.<br>
<br>I'm currently taking care of porting the browsing part to Nepomuk and eventual hints on how to show detailed information about the Media files is appreciated.<br clear="all">IIRC Christopher Blauvelt is taking care of experimenting with Qt Declarative.<br>
<br>If somebody is interested in taking care of one of the (still?) orphan points i'd be
really really happy.<br><br>More info at: <a href="http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/Plasma_Media_Center">http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/Plasma_Media_Center</a><br><br>Thank you for your attention.<br>Regards.<br>
<br>P.S.: To: other PMC devs: please add missing points i eventually forgot to mention :)<br><br>-- <br>Alessandro Diaferia<br>KDE Developer<br>KDE e.V. member<br><br>