Hello, it's me again :p<br><br>As you may have understood i'm using Nepomuk to show media files to the user.<br>One thing i noticed is that when using the KDirModel (and so the KDirLister) to list the results of a query<br>
it seems that each QModelIndex doesn't have a valid KDirModel::FileItemRole and therefore no important pieces of information<br>like the url of the file (AFAIK KDirModel is KFileItem-centric). I make use of such role in order to get previews of the files.<br>
<br>I just wanted to know if this is something fixable in the nepomuk kio_slave or somewhere lower or if it is un-fixable.<br>I'd like some hints in case it is possible.<br>I was writing my own model to get rid of this returning a valid KFileItem if the url was pointing to a local file but having the KDirModel doing this for free would be better IMHO.<br>
<br>What do you think about this?<br>Regards.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Alessandro Diaferia<br>KDE Developer<br>KDE e.V. member<br><br>