[Nepomuk] Indexing encrypted filesystems

Martin Steigerwald Martin at lichtvoll.de
Sat Mar 24 11:03:04 UTC 2012

Am Mittwoch, 21. März 2012 schrieb Ivan Čukić:

[… store the meta-data in some encrypted form …]

> > How can we do that? Encrypt the entire virtuoso repository?
> No, that wouldn't have any effect - because it would need to be
> (virtually) decrypted while nepomuk is running, and everything could
> get the data. I don't care about this part at the moment. (aka,
> *later*)

I already use Nepomuk to index an ecryptfs, formerly encfs - ecryptfs is 
just so much faster. But its the whole home directory.

Works just well.

And about the need to be decrypted while running - thats the same with 
ecryptfs, encfs or dm-crypt + LUKS as well - when its running, decryption 
is setup and working. I see no way around this.

What could be done is some access restrictions like KWallet does.

So for what I gather, what you plan to work on is the case, when its not 
the complete home directory that is encrypted, but another directory, 
maybe a sub directory of it.

How about some support of several Virtuoso databases? And then just store 
the one containing the index of that encrypted directory in the encrypted 
directory? Then its only decrypted when the data in the directory itself 
is decrypted which does not sound like a big deal to me.

I don´t know whether having mutiple virtuoso databases is something thats 
feasible at all tough.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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