[Nepomuk] [GSoC 2011] Project: Innovative new UI/Interaction Methods for telepathy using nepomuk

Rohan Garg rohan16garg at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 18:24:20 CEST 2011

After looking through all the ideas on the telepathy ideas list and
discussing them with prospective mentors in #kde-telepathy, i decided
i would like to work on improving interaction methods between
telepathy and KDE [1].Basically i propose the following set of krunner
plugins to interact with telepathy :

* Call $Person : If i was to type "Call John Doe" in krunner, the
plugin starts telepathy KDE ( in case it's not running already ), and
tries to initiates a call to the contact called John Doe
* Chat $Person : If i was to type "Chat with John Doe" or "Group chat
with John Doe and Jane Roe" , the plugin initiates a chat/group chat
with the people mentioned in krunner
* conversations:<Keyword 1> <Keyword 2> : This plugin would search all
of the chats logged in the telepathy logger, and which have been
logged in nepomuk as well ( see [2] ), to give us a list of people
with whom we had a conversation with, which had keyword 1 and keyword
* email:<Keyword 1> <Keyword 2> : This plugin would search KMail for a
list of people with whom recent email conversations had Keyword 1 and
Keyword 2 in the email, and would allow us to initiate real time
chat's with them
* timestamp: <Time Stamp> : This plugin would allow us to get a list
of people with whom we had chats corresponding to the given time
stamp. For eg. : timestamp: Last Saturday
* A combination of 2 or more plugins from the above list, for eg: Call
Person with conversations: Hello World and Timestamp : Last Sunday.

Alot of KDE Applications such as KDE PIM use KRunner for the same
purposes as i've mentioned above.

Implementation of these features will require even more work to the
Telepathy KDE logger, which would involve implementing a
nepomuk-telepathy logger to store data in the nepomuk database and
writing a krunner plugin for each and everyone of the ideas mentioned

I would like to hear you views on this before i start writing a
proposal on this idea.

[1] http://community.kde.org/GSoC/2011/Ideas#Project:_Innovative_new_UI.2FInteraction_Methods
[2] http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Metadata/Nepomuk/ChatLogger

Rohan Garg

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