[neon/kf6/kf6-kcoreaddons/Neon/unstable] debian: lints

Carlos De Maine null at kde.org
Fri Nov 17 03:32:17 GMT 2023

Git commit c5fcb7cd9720619e8b19c936ead2090181551c2c by Carlos De Maine.
Committed on 17/11/2023 at 04:32.
Pushed by carlosdem into branch 'Neon/unstable'.


M  +0    -134  debian/copyright
M  +1    -1    debian/rules


diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index 2282dc9..cb5691f 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -59,140 +59,6 @@ Copyright: 2008, Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org>
            2001, translate.org.za
 License: LGPL-2+
-Files: autotests/kaboutdataapplicationdatatest.cpp
-       autotests/kaboutdatatest.cpp
-       autotests/kcompositejobtest.cpp
-       autotests/kcompositejobtest.h
-       autotests/kdelibs4configmigratortest.cpp
-       autotests/kdelibs4migrationtest.cpp
-       autotests/kjobtest.cpp
-       autotests/kjobtest.h
-       autotests/kmacroexpandertest.cpp
-       autotests/krandomtest.cpp
-       autotests/kshelltest.cpp
-       autotests/ktexttohtmltest.cpp
-       src/lib/caching/kshareddatacache.cpp
-       src/lib/caching/kshareddatacache.h
-       src/lib/caching/kshareddatacache_p.h
-       src/lib/caching/kshareddatacache_win.cpp
-       src/lib/io/kbackup.cpp
-       src/lib/io/kbackup.h
-       src/lib/io/kdirwatch.cpp
-       src/lib/io/kdirwatch.h
-       src/lib/io/kdirwatch_p.h
-       src/lib/io/kmessage.cpp
-       src/lib/io/kmessage.h
-       src/lib/jobs/kcompositejob.cpp
-       src/lib/jobs/kcompositejob.h
-       src/lib/jobs/kcompositejob_p.h
-       src/lib/jobs/kjob.cpp
-       src/lib/jobs/kjob.h
-       src/lib/jobs/kjob_p.h
-       src/lib/jobs/kjobtrackerinterface.cpp
-       src/lib/jobs/kjobtrackerinterface.h
-       src/lib/plugin/kexportplugin.h
-       src/lib/plugin/kpluginloader.cpp
-       src/lib/plugin/kpluginloader.h
-       src/lib/plugin/kpluginmetadata.cpp
-       src/lib/plugin/kpluginmetadata.h
-       src/lib/randomness/krandomsequence.h
-       src/lib/text/kstringhandler.h
-       tests/faceicontest.cpp
-       tests/faceicontest.h
-       tests/kdirwatchtest.cpp
-       tests/kdirwatchtest.h
-       tests/kdirwatchtest_gui.cpp
-       tests/kdirwatchtest_gui.h
-       tests/krandomsequencetest.cpp
-Copyright: 2014, Alex Richardson <arichardson.kde at gmail.com>
-           2006-2007, Allen Winter <winter at kde.org>
-           2016, Arne Spiegelhauer <gm2.asp at gmail.com>
-           2007, Bernhard Loos <nhuh.put at web.de>
-           2010-2014, David Faure <faure at kde.org>
-           2006, Dirk Mueller <mueller at kde.org>
-           2006, Dirk Stoecker <kde at dstoecker.de>
-           2006, Dominic Battre <dominic at battre.de>
-           2007, Flavio Castelli <flavio.castelli at gmail.com>
-           2008-2016, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <kossebau at kde.org>
-           2006, Gregory S. Hayes <syncomm at kde.org>
-           2017, Harald Sitter <sitter at kde.org>
-           1999, Ian Zepp <icszepp at islc.net>
-           2005, Ingo Kloecker <kloecker at kde.org>
-           2006, Jaison Lee <lee.jaison at gmail.com>
-           2008, Jarosław Staniek <staniek at kde.org>
-           2013, Kevin Funk <kevin at kfunk.org>
-           2006-2007, Kevin Ottens <ervin at kde.org>
-           2006, Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com>
-           2010-2016, Michael Pyne <mpyne at kde.org>
-           2006, Michaël Larouche <michael.larouche at kdemail.net>
-           2014, Montel Laurent <montel at kde.org>
-           2014, Nicolás Alvarez <nicolas.alvarez at gmail.com>
-           2003-2008, Oswald Buddenhagen <ossi at kde.org>
-           2008, Rafal Rzepecki <divided.mind at gmail.com>
-           2012, Ralf Jung <ralfjung-e at gmx.de>
-           2000, Rik Hemsley (rikkus) <rik at kde.org>
-           2011, Romain Perier <bambi at ubuntu.com>
-           1999, Sean Harmer <sh at astro.keele.ac.uk>
-           2000, Stephan Kulow <coolo at kde.org>
-           1998, Sven Radej <sven at lisa.exp.univie.ac.at>
-           2005, Thomas Braxton <brax108 at cox.net>
-           1999, Waldo Bastian <bastian at kde.org>
-License: LGPL-2
-Files: autotests/alwaysunloadplugin.cpp
-       autotests/alwaysunloadplugin.h
-       autotests/jsonplugin.cpp
-       autotests/jsonplugin.h
-       autotests/jsonplugin2.cpp
-       autotests/jsonplugin2.h
-       autotests/multiplugin.cpp
-       autotests/multiplugin.h
-       autotests/unversionedplugin.cpp
-       autotests/unversionedplugin.h
-       autotests/versionedplugin.cpp
-       autotests/versionedplugin.h
-Copyright: 2014, Alex Merry <alexmerry at kde.org>
-           2013, Sebastian Kügler <sebas at kde.org>
-License: GPL-2+3+KDEeV
-Files: autotests/kpluginfactorytest.cpp
-       autotests/kpluginloadertest.cpp
-       autotests/kpluginmetadatatest.cpp
-       po/ca/*
-       po/ca at valencia/*
-       po/uk/*
-       src/desktoptojson/desktoptojson.cpp
-       src/desktoptojson/desktoptojson.h
-       src/desktoptojson/main.cpp
-       src/lib/plugin/desktopfileparser_p.h
-Copyright: 2014, Alex Merry <alex.merry at kde.org>
-           2015, Alex Richardson
-           2014, Alex Richardson <arichardson.kde at gmail.com>
-           2013-2014, Sebastian Kügler <sebas at kde.org>
-           2014-2018, This_file_is_part_of_KDE
-License: LGPL-2.1+3+KDEeV
-       cmake/*
-Copyright: 2006, Alexander Neundorf <neundorf at kde.org>
-           2016, Shaheed Haque <srhaque at theiet.org>
-           2016, Stephen Kelly <steveire at gmail.com>
-License: BSD-3-clause
-Files: src/lib/io/kfilesystemtype.cpp
-       src/lib/io/kfilesystemtype.h
-Copyright: 2011, David Faure <faure at kde.org>
-License: LGPL-2.1
-Files: src/lib/caching/posix_fallocate_mac.h
-Copyright: 2010, Mozilla Foundation
-           2015-2016, R.J.V. Bertin
-License: GPL-2+ or LGPL-2.1+ or MPL-1.1
-Files: autotests/kshareddatacachetest.cpp
-Copyright: 2012, David Faure <faure at kde.org>
-License: LGPL-2+3+KDEeV
 Files: debian/*
 Copyright: 2014 Michał Zając <quintasan at kubuntu.org>
 License: LGPL-2+
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 2357f1e..5eee8cd 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
 	dh_auto_configure -- \
\ No newline at end of file

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