[neon/neon/settings/Neon/unstable] debian: do not start neon-offline-skip on installation

Harald Sitter null at kde.org
Fri May 21 10:53:44 BST 2021

Git commit b4737a68cd0d844137629981b7731b82e998245e by Harald Sitter.
Committed on 21/05/2021 at 09:52.
Pushed by sitter into branch 'Neon/unstable'.

do not start neon-offline-skip on installation

it's only ever meant to run as part of the update target and running it
any other way is going to brick it

M  +14   -2    debian/rules


diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index d3f901b..d4c7dc6 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -18,10 +18,22 @@ override_dh_installsystemd:
 		exit 1; \
-	# Perferrably use lib/systemd/system/ instead of placing units in debian/
+	# Perferrably use lib/systemd/system/ instead of placing units in debian/ since the naming is much clearer there.
 	# Also mind https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=987989
-	dh_installsystemd
+	# Also mind that dh_installsystemd acts as an append-only system. So when we call
+	# it first without arguments it will enable and start everything installed. If we want to control what a service
+	# does we need to -X exclude it and add a manual call
+	dh_installsystemd -Xneon-offline-skip.service
+	# Manual control of excluded services:
+	## mustn't auto-start it is only meant to start as part of the system-update target. It's not hardened against
+	## starting in other scenarios.
+	dh_installsystemd -pneon-settings-2 --no-start --name=neon-offline-skip
+	# "Legacy" services in debian/ rather than lib/
+	dh_installsystemd --name=neon-apt-clean.timer
 	dh_installsystemd --no-start --name=neon-update-calamares-groups
 	dh_installsystemd --no-start --name=neon-flathub
 	dh_installsystemd --no-start --name=neon-packagekit-offline-update-policy
 	dh_installsystemd --no-start --name=neon-packagekit-online-update-policy

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