[neon/neon-packaging/layer-shell-qt/Neon/unstable] debian: wrap-and-sort -bt

Rik Mills null at kde.org
Tue May 4 12:38:16 BST 2021

Git commit d589d539e03a9938ad24b90bebe749ae7b8e8161 by Rik Mills.
Committed on 04/05/2021 at 11:38.
Pushed by rikmills into branch 'Neon/unstable'.

wrap-and-sort -bt

M  +11   -11   debian/control


diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 11c64a8..f469f1d 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Build-Depends: cmake,
-               wayland-protocols
+               wayland-protocols,
 Standards-Version: 4.5.0
 Homepage: http://www.kde.org/
@@ -28,24 +28,24 @@ Description: use the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol.
  This package contains the plugin.
-Package: liblayershellqtinterface5
+Package: liblayershellqtinterface-dev
 Architecture: any
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
-Recommends: layer-shell-qt (= ${binary:Version})
+Depends: liblayershellqtinterface5 (= ${binary:Version}),
+         qtbase5-dev,
+         ${misc:Depends},
+         ${shlibs:Depends},
 Description: use the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol.
  Qt component to allow applications to make use of the Wayland
  wl-layer-shell protocol.
- This package includes the library.
+ This package includes the devleopment files.
-Package: liblayershellqtinterface-dev
+Package: liblayershellqtinterface5
 Architecture: any
-Depends: liblayershellqtinterface5 (= ${binary:Version}),
-         qtbase5-dev,
-         ${misc:Depends},
-         ${shlibs:Depends}
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
+Recommends: layer-shell-qt (= ${binary:Version})
 Description: use the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol.
  Qt component to allow applications to make use of the Wayland
  wl-layer-shell protocol.
- This package includes the devleopment files.
+ This package includes the library.

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