[neon/extras/calamares/Neon/release-lts] debian: throw out reproducible flag to silence lintian

Harald Sitter null at kde.org
Mon Feb 15 14:07:58 GMT 2021

Git commit c45b2f2392548e3cc7dc6ccc6f552a45ea249f09 by Harald Sitter.
Committed on 15/02/2021 at 14:06.
Pushed by sitter into branch 'Neon/release-lts'.

throw out reproducible flag to silence lintian

we aren't really after reproducible builds right now, though there is
an open task. in any event right now it doesn't matter and lintian
is angry about this not being _MAINT. since merging it into MAINT
would be less clear for future merges I'm opting to comment out the
line then hopefully whoever merges goes back in time to read this
here message and learns that we want this option but only if it is
in the MAINT variable ;)

M  +1    -1    debian/rules


diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 5a4c0b9..35ac6f6 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=+all
 # Help makes build paths reproducible
-export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=buildinfo=+path
+#export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=buildinfo=+path
 	dh $@ --with kf5

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