Hello,<br><br>I just subscribed to this mailing list and I apologize for the fact that I haven't read everything. First I just want to say that you guys are awesome. I need to port a complex application developed using Qt and you made it all possible. The way you accomplished this is just brilliant. My employer, BroadSign, owns you a great deal. This is why I received the permission to contribute back to the community if it can be useful.<br>
<br>One thing we do is multimedia. I have looked at the code in QtMediaPLayer.java and mediaPlayerJNI.cpp and found it extremely informative. Unfortunately, I came to the same conclusions as BogDan described in the thread "<a href="http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/necessitas-devel/2012-May/000900.html">Qt Multimedia status on Android</a>". Without knowing about your efforts, I went on to try to make video work on Android on my own. We have a proprietary video player that already uses FFmpeg with VA-API or DxVA2 for hardware acceleration on desktops. On Android however, knowing that hardware acceleration with OpenMAX would be a problem, I chose a different approach. Instead of getting video from ffmpeg, I cheated and used the Android's MediaPlayer. From the looks of it, the approach is similar to QtCamera. I simply create a new SurfaceView on top of the QtLayout. To get it on top, I call SurfaceView.setZOrderOnTop(true). This works great. I can get 2 1080p h264 videos playing on the Transformer Prime TF201. <br>
<br>My question is, are you interested in getting the code to do this? I could integrate it into QtMobility and provide the patch. I know you guys preferred the FFMpeg approach so far. The reason is probably to have a real integration with Qt and I can understand why. I could dig into this OpenMAX thing but some part of me fear that this standard might be dropped for something else in the future.<br>
<br>By the way, for the YUV420p to RGB conversion being slow, have you tryed using OpenGL shaders? I have never used this myself and I am not an OpenGL expert but one of my colleague had some success with it on desktops. It makes the GPU convert colors for you so maybe it could help.<br>
<br>Just let me know if I can help,<br>Gabi Julien<br>