Ministro II "Your application encountered a fatal error and cannot continue"

Lauri Laanmets lauri.laanmets at
Sat Oct 29 11:40:42 UTC 2011


I got some time to have a look myself.

1. I guess QtCreator doesn't check if the Java files are newer in QT SDK, user has to check it himself?
2. Using local libs didn't need Ministro previously but I guess with the new Java part, Ministro MUST be installed in all cases. A bit inconvenient I have to say :)

Otherwise, yes, If Java files are in sync with Qt libs, it seems to work. Good Job!


----- Original Message -----
From: "BogDan" <bog_dan_ro at>
To: "Jonathan Greig" <redteam316 at>, necessitas-devel at
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 10:04:14 PM
Subject: Re: Ministro II "Your application encountered a fatal error and cannot continue"


This error is sent to your application by Ministro when it can't download all your libraries, 

make sure you have an internet connection on your device/emulator. 

Also make sure you are NOT using android java files for previous releases ! (remove android folder form your project). You ca test it by installing Ministro and run your application without Ministro installed, it should open Android Market and it should point your Ministro II, if not then your application is not using the right android java files. 


From: Jonathan Greig <redteam316 at> 
To: necessitas-devel at 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:49 PM 
Subject: Ministro II "Your application encountered a fatal error and cannot continue" 

I have updated my SDK to the alpha 3 testing SDK, and updated Ministro II on my Samsung Galaxy S (Mesmerize) to version 6.0. I have the Ministro Configuration tool and tried all 3 repositories but every time I try to start my application(from the necessitas QtCreator or simply starting my app from the phone), Ministro II tries to download QtCore twice and then gives me an error message saying that it cannot satisfy the application dependencies. My application uses QtCore, QtGui, QtScript, QtScriptTools, QtOpenGL. 

Figuring something got bargled up, I uninstalled Ministro II and Ministro I, and all config tools and reinstalled only the Ministro II and config tool 2. Now Every time I try to start the app I get an error messgae saying: "Your application encountered a fatal error and cannot continue". Any idea whats wrong? 

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