Anything needed from

mingw android at
Tue Nov 29 10:32:23 UTC 2011

I'm interested in building the Mac and Windows versions via some CI
system. I'll be investigating getting cross compilers for Linux
targetting Mac and Windows in a week or two.

Also, my NDKs would do with some CI, but that's not as important for now.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 7:30 AM, Espen Riskedal <espen at> wrote:
> Tomorrow at the Qt Contributors Day in San Fransisco there will be a
> small session where the needs of Qt for Android and Qt for iOS ports
> are discussed. See:
> "The Android and iOS ports
> What is the desired relationship between the Qt ports for Android and
> iOS and the Qt Project? Any needs in terms of infrastructure and
> processes? Participation confirmed from Cutehacks (some of the
> promoters of the Android port) and Ian Dean (main developer of the iOS
> port). "
> So, anything process/hardware/software wise that could help the
> project with upstreaming and maintaining the port?
> All I can think of is:
> - proper documentation for setup of running autotests
> - central place to upload test reports (so we can compare results)
> - way to include android as one of the platforms being automatically
> built by the integration system
> Other things could be:
> - adding android as a platform in jira/bugreport system of qt? (don't
> know if wanted)
> If you give me some comments I can raise them there.
> espen

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