Doesn't work on Ubuntu10.04 64bit?

BogDan bog_dan_ro at
Thu Jun 2 15:12:54 CEST 2011

Hi Kimitake,

>I just installed necessitas 0.2 using online SDK[1] to Ubuntu 10.04 64bit,
>and created 3 ADV for API-8, 10, 11. They can be launched correctly.
>So I have created hello world on QtCreator for API-11, but the build pkg
>does not work on both simulator and real device.

Please use KDE's bug tracking system to report this issue ( ) also please don't forget to add more info (e.g. adb logcat output).

>Animated tile demo works on reald device. 
>So I guess I missed something project setting for the test app.
>Where can I download the amimated title demo app?

If you mean the source code, then you can find it into qt_src_folder/examples/animation/animatedtiles

>I just want to check the project setting and try to build on my system.
>btw, I have create another hello world on eclips using the same
>Android SDK, and it does work on the API-11 simulator.

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Thank you for your understanding !


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