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Hello Google Play Developer,
In our latest <a href="https://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/p/AHANi0bm9iP3wiZJV11qsEdtihK7LSHTfcQw5Pcj95A20RlX_CLbipTddN13mt6o4kyZ9JcgEC0J5kZg6QqNTbpL5dVWYCgOgN-64sxI2hH7SoEM0VYd6sm5Vz5LOtKA7ipoPpo8H5zLvwTdA4I5xNUpp1MaN0MjcQg">blog post</a>, we detailed the requirement that apps using native code must provide a 64-bit version in addition to the 32-bit version by <strong>August 1, 2019</strong>. As you may know, 64-bit CPUs deliver faster, richer experiences, and we appreciate your support in ensuring our users have the best experience possible on the Android platform.
<strong>Action required</strong>
If you haven't yet, we encourage you to begin work for the 64-bit requirement as soon as possible. Many apps are written entirely in non-native code (e.g. the Java programming language or Kotlin) and will not need code changes.
Please note that we are not making changes to our policy on 32-bit support. Google Play will continue to deliver apps with 32-bit native code to 32-bit devices. The requirement means that those apps will need to have a 64-bit version as well.
To help you make the transition, we've prepared <a href="https://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/p/AHANi0ZJfVlCmNkvOs5ZJ3WXctOe5hSiQ57sDpuUno1WpEDD7vmGWXh6LDlkDKz97rROXwLOvY7UN67ZP5a4f7GHtRsdR6qEEBLFoPn_ZV0P5OUZUxYFH7VEKeDdbfuon81bzhDf2WNTZxM">documentation</a> on how to check whether your app already supports 64-bit and how to become 64-bit compliant.
We're also providing a high-level timeline below.
<strong>Starting August 1, 2019:</strong>
<li>All new apps and app updates are required to provide 64-bit versions of any 32-bit native code they provide.
<li>Extension: Google Play will continue to accept 32-bit only updates to existing games that use Unity 5.6 or older until August 2021. </li></ul>
<strong>Starting August 1, 2021: </strong>
<li>Google Play will stop serving apps without 64-bit versions on 64-bit capable devices, meaning they will no longer be available in the Play Store on those devices.
<li>This will include games built with Unity 5.6 or older.</li></ul>
<strong>The requirement does not apply to:</strong>
<li>APKs or app bundles explicitly targeting Wear OS or Android TV, which are form factors that do not currently support 64-bit code.
<li>APKs or app bundles that Google Play won't install on Android 9 Pie or later (support for 64-bit does not need to extend to APKs that are only on Android 8 Oreo and below).</li></ul>
If you have any questions, you can find additional information about adding 64-bit support <a href="https://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/p/AHANi0ZJfVlCmNkvOs5ZJ3WXctOe5hSiQ57sDpuUno1WpEDD7vmGWXh6LDlkDKz97rROXwLOvY7UN67ZP5a4f7GHtRsdR6qEEBLFoPn_ZV0P5OUZUxYFH7VEKeDdbfuon81bzhDf2WNTZxM">here</a>.
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