Hi Dennis,<br><br>Love the clean look of the landing page; especially the initial view of the globe (Planet earth etc).<br>If I tab through the other images from the globe they all repeat eventually...except the initial view<br>
which happens to be my favourite!<br><br>I come at this from a developer/decision maker point of view, so I'm interested in the "Extensible" bits. I wonder if its worth taking a different tack there. I quite quickly think about plugins in this space. And also including the widget inside custom applications. I get the impression that quite a few people are out there writing innovative plugins which I think is worth a mention. Maybe have the view details button link off to an area which lists current plugins and some testimonials about widget use in apps. <br>
<br>** Extensible **<br><br>blah blah.....<br><br>There is a vibrant community of people writing plugins and apps using Marble. Come and join us on IRC @ <> or maybe browse through some of the things people have done with marble by following the link below....<br>
<br>View details >><br><br>* list of plugins *<br><br>- satellites<br>- postcodes<br>- routing<br>- earthquakes....<br><br>* testimonals *<br><br>etc..<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Amit<br>