Hi all,<br><br>I am seeing some odd behaviour when loading kml files into an application using the marble widget as compared to google earth. The data source is at <a href="http://www.cablemap.info">www.cablemap.info</a> with the kml file being downloadable from menu option top right (GPLv3). File is ~ 1M and contains placemarks and linestrings etc.<br>
<br>The file loads into Google Earth and shows > 200 cable systems as coloured lines or varying widths using LineStrings and StyleUrls.<br><br>When I load the same kml file into my application using code below I see the same systems but colours and line widths specified in the styleUrls are not used. I get what look like defaults (v. thin white lines). Behaviour is consistent on windows and linux (using Qt 4.7.4 and marble 1.2.2).<br>
<br>I'm pretty sure there is a difference in the way styleUrls and folders are parsed between Google Earth & Marble. If I replicate the styleUrls at the very top of the document in the kml, rather than within some of the enclosed folders, marble starts to use them. Google is apparently less fussy.<br>
<br>Interested in views on whether this is by design / known issue / something that might get fixed etc. Partly because there are > 200 such urls in the particular kml file! Probably more important is if this is not by design. It might limit utility of kml files authored elsewhere to users of marble.<br>
<br>Loading code follows:<br><br> QString filter = QString("*.kml");<br> QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,"caption",QString(),filter);<br> if(fileName.isEmpty())<br> return;<br>
<br> <br> MarbleModel *model = new MarbleModel(this);<br> MarbleRunnerManager* manager = new MarbleRunnerManager( model->pluginManager() ); // noticed that manager is not used<br><br> QFileInfo fi(fileName);<br>
<br> (*ui).MarbleWidget->model()->addGeoDataFile( fi.absoluteFilePath() );<br><br><br>Regards,<br><br>Amit<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>