Hi all,<br><br>I am considering deploying an application which uses marble widget for use within a corporate setting. User base might extend to (say) 50 users. If successful user base might grow to a few hundred. I don't anticipate a high level of concurrent access amongst the user base.<br>
<br>I'm considering using the OSM map style in some use cases and want to stay the right side of tile usage policies. Some questions come to mind:<br><br>1) Does the default Marble instance use the OSM tile servers? <i>[<from osm wiki>...default "Mapnik" tiles rendered and served by {a,b,c}.<b><a href="http://tile.openstreetmap.org">tile.openstreetmap.org</a></b></i> ]<br>
<br>2) Where in marble source code does the url for downloading such data appear?<br><br>3) Are there any obvious hurdles to re-pointing MarbleWidget to use a free OSM tile server (e.g. MapQuest)?<br><br>4) Can anyone point to an authoratitive guide on hosting your own internal OSM server? [Switch2osm seems to be relevant but interested in any other opinions]<br>
<br>5) Can anyone point to guidance on sizing a server to handle OSM tile serving? [I gather the dataset is 300GB+ and vaguely recall suggestions of 12GB RAM..]<br><br>Thanks in advance for any pointers.<br><br>Regards,<br>