Hello. Could you help me with next problem, please.<br>I have downloaded Marble source code and I'm trying to draw a line. I tried to do it in paintGround method (in marbleMap class), using painter. Everything is ok, except that when I add altitude to line's points I still have the line bent across the surface. For example:<br>
<br>GeoDataCoordinates GDC1(0,0,0), GDC2(50*DEG2RAD,50*DEG2RAD,100);<br>QPen pen1;<br>pen1.setWidth(2);<br>pen1.setColor(Qt::red);<br>painter.setPen(pen1);<br>painter.drawLine(GDC1,GDC2);<br><br>I got the line like GDC2 has zero altitude. What am I doing wrong?<br>
Thanks in advance<br><br>