[Marble-devel] MarbleMap

Carlos Licea carlos_licea at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 7 18:20:48 CET 2008

Hi guys,
    I've just updated marble and i've seen the new created class 
MarbleMap, if i understand it correctly it will be the bridge between 
the map and the model. Actually i was going to suggest something like 
that, for example I think that there should be the projectionMapper 
class instead of marbleModel so we can have, say, a widget painting a 
flat representation and of a model and, say, a Mercator projection in 
other widget, perhaps you can explain me what are your plans.
    In other topic, i tried adding by myself the Mercator projection in 
the GUI so that i could make tests (for some reason setting 
m_viewParams.m_projection = Mercator doesn't do the trick) but i wasn't 
able to find the UI file for the Qt version of marble, I'm assuming that 
MarbleControlBox.ui is the KDE one because i added the option there and 
I hadn't the choice, so tackat would you mind adding it so i can see If 
what I'm doing is right?.
    Have a good day,

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