More than one LSP server for one language

Vladislav Vorobiev v at
Sun Mar 24 11:22:33 GMT 2024


how to add more than one LSP server for a language?

Behind this link i see how to change and setups commands.

Here on python example.

        "python": {
            "command": ["python3", "-m", "pyls", "--check-parent-process"],
            "url": "",
            "highlightingModeRegex": "^Python$"

For python is useful (i think so) for the moment to use rust-lsp and pyright.
In NVim for example i can easily use them both. But how to use it in kate with setting json. 
There is only one command key available in the json.
Is thre a way to provide more than one server like

        "python": {
            "commandS": [["mylsp1", "ops"], ["mylsp1", "ops"],],
            "url": "",
            "highlightingModeRegex": "^Python$"

Second question is related to this python key.
How can i select this python in kate.  

If i introduce in settings json

        "pythonA": {
            "command": [],],
            "url": "",
            "highlightingModeRegex": "^Python$"

        "pythonB": {
            "commandS": [["mylsp1", "ops"], ["mylsp1", "ops"],],
            "url": "",
            "highlightingModeRegex": "^Python$"
        "pythonC": {
            "commandS": [["mylsp1", "ops"], ["mylsp1", "ops"],],
            "url": "",
            "highlightingModeRegex": "^Python$"

How kate understand witch entry is to use?
How can i switch between.


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