Problem with srollbar minimap

Maik Sin maikmorhainsin at
Wed Jul 17 11:51:27 BST 2019

  I searched all over the internet and did not find anything useful so decided to write here. Hope its the right place :)
  I recently upgraded from debian 9 to debian 10 and encountered a little issue with kate scrollbar arrows for the minimap. When I press the arrow button in either direction it should move one line in that direction. But now it jumps to the end of file. No matter where I am in the file when I press the arrow button it jumps to the end or beginning of file. I can't find a way to configure it back to normal. It seems to be related only to the minimap feature because when I disable the minimap it works normal with the regular scrollbar. But I find the minimap feature really useful and I don't want to give it up over that. Is there a way to configure it back to one line per press of the arrow? Or is this a bug?  
  I know most people probably don't use the arrows that often but I use them regularly. And they are especially useful when you are on a laptop and don't have access to a mouse. So I would really appreciate some help! :)
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