D15773: AppArmor: fix crashes in open rules (in KF5.50) and improvements for the new Solarized schemes

Nibaldo González noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Sep 27 18:23:18 BST 2018

nibags added a comment.

  I did debug with gdb and valgrind, but the information is not relevant, since Kate freezes and I have to kill the process (I think I used the term "crash" incorrectly :S). 
  I have done some tests and the problem is in the use of `#pop!some_context` on the main context ("_profile"). 
  For example, formerly, when doing `#pop!some_context` on the main context, "some_context" was stacked on top of the main context, it did not replace it. Now, in KF5.50.0, the main context is removed from de "stack" and replaced by "some_context". In the AppArmor XML file I use `#pop#pop!some_context` in general to finish a rule and, in some cases, `#pop!some_context` is done in the main context, which produces the error in large files, since it is not a behavior that I envisioned.
  I do not know if I'm explaining myself well, but with this diff I solve the problem.

  R216 Syntax Highlighting


To: nibags, #framework_syntax_highlighting, dhaumann, cullmann
Cc: kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, kevinapavew, ngraham, bruns, demsking, cullmann, sars, dhaumann
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