D12629: kateproject: add submodule listing support for git projects

Michal Humpula noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun May 27 18:03:10 UTC 2018

michalhumpula added a comment.

  In D12629#268952 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D12629#268952>, @dhaumann wrote:
  > @michalhumpula This was committed already with 0a96383144e11a6608cbee6a233ffafc4007704d <https://phabricator.kde.org/R40:0a96383144e11a6608cbee6a233ffafc4007704d> right? I close this revision, probably the commit hooks did not work as expected or so.
  Yes, plase. Don't know how it works on phabricator now.

  R40 Kate


To: michalhumpula, #kate, cullmann
Cc: kwrite-devel, dhaumann, cullmann, michaelh, kevinapavew, ngraham, demsking, sars
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