[Kwintv] Problem with fullscreen

Tomasz Czapiewski xeros at telesat.com.pl
Wed Oct 25 11:23:30 CEST 2006

On Tue, 24 Oct 2006, dan juravle wrote:

> I have installed a version of Mandriva 2007 to my PC and i have a problem with kde tv. When I want to go in fullscreen, it remain small in the center with a black screen around (it doesn't change resolution).I try with a resolution 800:600 and it works in fullscreen, but my resolution of the monitor is 1280:1024.  Altought the teletext works in fullscreen even if the resolution is 1280:1024 . My tv tuner is KWorld with bt848 chipset. Does anyone know to solve this problem ? Thank you.

I've got exactly the same problem with simmilar card (KWorld with bt878 
chipset and themic 4012fy tuner) and 1280x1024 resolution on LCD and the 
same on CRT monitor.

I use V4L1 plugin on my dualseat Kubuntu (one native Xorg server in 
MergedFB mode for dualhead on single graphic card and inside two Xephyrs). 
Since Xephyr doesn't have XVideo and X11Shm support I use the V4L1 plugin 
to work with just X11 output. (And I can tell that software X11 fullscreen 
output from every video appliactions works at great speed on my system 
so I use it.)

Sometime ago I tried to run Kdetv from inside Xephyr but with DISPLAY 
enviroment set to the native Xorg on the first display and it worked
with XVideo on V4L1 and V4L2 plugins fullscreen without problems.
So it seems to be V4L1 plugin problem with software X11 output - it has 
problems with rescalling image.

I really like this V4L1 plugin in Kdetv because it's the only way to run 
Kdetv on my computer in window from inside Xephyr. And I'd like to have 
support for software X11 output in V4L2 plugin.

:  `Yg. ,P' ,gP""Yg. gP""Yg. ,gP""Yg. ,gP""Yg   :   Tomasz Czapiewski    :
:   `Y$B'   $P   ,$' $$   YP d'   `Y$ `Y._      :      xeros at irc.pl      :
:    ,PY$.  Y$.-"`   Y$ _,P' $b.   ,P   `""Yg.  :     ICQ: 109320380     :
:  ,P'  `Y$.`Yg._.:' :$ `s._ `Yb._,P' `Y.__,P"  :      GG: 1578983       :

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