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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>Thanks for the update. <br>Im glad to see you are progressing steadily with KtechLab.<br><br>I wish I could help with the source code, but I don't have the skills.<br><br>Regards<br><br>Claus<br><br><div style="text-align:center"><div style="text-align:left">--------------------------------------------------------------
<br><br>umount /dev/vodka && eject /dev/stomach
<br><br>-Mplayer crew</div></div><br><br><div>> Date: Tue, 3 May 2016 17:55:48 +0300<br>> From: zoltan.padrah@gmail.com<br>> To: ktechlab-devel@lists.sourceforge.net<br>> Subject: [Ktechlab-devel] Project status and plans<br>> <br>> Hi,<br>> <br>> given the relatively low traffic on the mailing list, I'm posting the<br>> status of ktechlab and my plans for the future, in order to keep<br>> everybody updated.<br>> <br>> Current status:<br>> <br>> - I'm focusing on the port of version 0.3.8 to KDE4/Qt4; it is mostly<br>> usable now. In the TODO file there is a list of things I want to go<br>> through, then I want to make a(n alpha) release. The code is here:<br>> <br>> https://github.com/ktechlab/ktechlab/tree/port-0.3.8-kde4-v1<br>> <br>> - the first attempty on KDE4 port, with KDevPlatform, is in<br>> "maintenance" mode now from my point of view, this means that I want<br>> to keep it compiling and running with newer libraries/KDE. I'm not<br>> planning to complete it soon, because I estimate the required effort<br>> to the order of several man-moonths. This codebase is in the master<br>> branch on github:<br>> <br>> https://github.com/ktechlab/ktechlab/tree/master<br>> <br>> - The codebases for ktechlab 0.3 and the suspended 0.4 series are now<br>> in the same git repository; this is convenient.<br>> <br>> <br>> My plans are the following:<br>> <br>> - as soon as I manage to do it, I want to get some preview release out<br>> from the port-0.3.8-kde4-v1 branch, and then periodically creating<br>> preview releases until every (observed) bug is fixed<br>> <br>> - after the 0.3.8 KDE4 port is done, I want to target Qt5, again with<br>> porting, in order to avoid depending on obsolete libraries.<br>> Fortunately the current round of distributions with long-term-support<br>> include Qt4, but most probably at some point Qt4 will be abandoned.<br>> <br>> - in parallel with Qt5 porting, I want to maintain the Qt4 port,<br>> mostly with bugfixes<br>> <br>> - in parallel with all the technical part, I'm planning to do a<br>> checklist, and then contact KDE for KTechLab becoming a KDE project. I<br>> think this will be beneficial for KTechLab as a project. I assume that<br>> KDE Science and KDE Edu are closest to KTechLab.<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> I highly appreciate any feedback on anything, especially about the<br>> last item from my plans. I have written about KTechLab joining KDE<br>> about half a year ago, and then I have got no response; by default I<br>> will assume that if nobody has anything against it, I will go ahead,<br>> and keep the list posted.<br>> <br>> <br>> Have fun,<br>> <br>> Zoli<br>> <br>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>> Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager<br>> Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of<br>> your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and<br>> reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!<br>> https://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/clk/302982198;130105516;z<br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Ktechlab-devel mailing list<br>> Ktechlab-devel@lists.sourceforge.net<br>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/ktechlab-devel<br></div> </div></body>