A friend told me about a problem compiling ktl in Debian Squeeze<br>He has automake 1.11 and had this error:<br><br> $ make -f Makefile.cvs<br>
This Makefile is only for the CVS repository<br>
This will be deleted before making the distribution<br>
*** YOU'RE USING automake (GNU automake) 1.11.<br>
*** KDE requires automake 1.6.1 or newer<br>
make[1]: *** [cvs] Erreur 1<br>
make: *** [all] Erreur 2<br><br><br>He solved it editing admin/cvs.sh line 71<br>
automake*1.6.* | automake*1.7* | automake*1.8* | automake*1.9* | automake*1.10* | automake*1.11* )<br><br>
And adding: | automake*1.11*<br><br>Looks that this worked for him, perhaps this could be added in the next releases... just to inform.