Hello again<br><br>Using flowcode I'm performing a right-rotation on variable x on a P16F84. Port A TRIS is 00011111 and port B TRIS is 00000000. x is set to 1 before the initial rotation.<br><br>I have the chip's out pins hooked up to LEDs in a circuit in ktechlab. I'm writing x to port B, the value of which is thus displayed on the LEDs.<br>
<br>Slipping into binary for a moment, one step after displaying 4, pins go high for a value of 130 or, back in binary, 1000 0010. That is to say that pins RB1 and RB7 are high while the others are low.<br><br>To me, this seems to indicate that the variable is being stored in more than 8 bits and that one of these unexpected bits is initially 1. In short, I'm confused as all get out!<br>