[Ktechlab-devel] oh well...

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Sun Jun 22 01:08:00 UTC 2008

I found the error, something in kdevelop thought that "there's this path 
called math so therefore it's "libmath". I had thought that name was too 
generic so I had thought I had configured everything to call it 
"libtechmath".... And thus there was a problem.

Attached is an attempt to implement the the schematic of my father's 
1974 vintage Harman Kardon 430 amplifier. The transistors in that thing 
were special high-Hfe types and the pair of diodes in the middle of the 
thing were the thermal detection diodes, affixed to the heat-sink. 
Because transistors suck, their temperature plays a large and critically 
important role in their performance  -- not implemented in ktechlab!

I think some of the diodes were germanium (all diodes are silicon in 
ktechlab!!) and or the models for the transistors or diodes are off by a 
bit, therefore it is impossible to calibrate the bias voltage (0.025 
volts) correctly. Otherwise, the amp does appear to work albeit with 
some glitches. I don't know the value of the inductor.

For reasons that need to be investigated, it takes a while for the model 
to "wake up" but when it does, it does indeed work. That being said, the 
actual amp takes about 30 seconds to start playing...

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Chemistry.com: A total rip-off.
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We did not invade Iraq, the government did.
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