[Ktechlab-devel] modernisation of the GUI

Julian Bäume julian at svg4all.de
Wed Dec 10 23:58:15 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 10 December 2008 17:56:47 Glen wrote:
> Should it look more like a more modern KDE4 version of KDevelop?
That was partly a direction I considered here. But since we also need some 
graphical tools for development, I want also something like the amarok guys 
implemented in amarok 2.0. Or what the new desktop in kde4.1 does. You got 
your "activity" and place and arrange some tool-boxes, views to your data, ... 
on your activity-space and start working on it.

> Is documentation what is meant by education?
I can't see, where I used the term documentation here. But mostly I mean 
developer documentation here. The other thing would be end-user documentation. 
I only thought about that, while writing down some ideas about the online-help 
I mentioned. A reason for mentioning developer documentation of all the things 
I want to do is, that this is the price I have to pay, to do the job at the 
university. I have to explain mainly to them, what I have done and why... They 
don't care much about the result. Its nice, if it works and is a nice piece of 
software, but they won't cut off my head, when I only implement some of the 
features during that time. But my goal is to finish everything, I mentioned. I 
still have to figure out, if I have to do my documentation in german. If so, I 
will translate it into english later on, since I think these stuff could be 
interesting for devs working on that code-base.

As I mentioned before. I will explain everything more detailed after I got 
some information of how open this project can be. And of course, I will 
release everything at least after I finished working on it and got everything 
ready for the guys from the university. But I hope to convince them that open 
development is a good choice.

bye then

> Julian Bäume wrote:
> > hi,
> > in another mail I mentioned some work I want to do in the next month. I
> > got a short description about it in german. I can't show it in detail for
> > now, also I want to do my work in an open process. I have to clarify if
> > that is possible, first. So I give some ideas here:
> >
> > I thought about about how to refactor the ProjectManager and the
> > DocManager classes. I want to throw everything out there, that has
> > dependencies on QWidget & friends, so every visual component. These two
> > classes should provide the controller part in the new version. So they do
> > all the logic about deleting, creating, updating things in the data
> > model.
> > Then I want to implement a the data model using DataEngine subclasses.
> > DataEngine is an interface provided by the Plasma-framework to implement
> > data models.
> > Finally I want to re-implement the actual view on a CircuitDocument as a
> > plasmaoid. Technically the view-part of this MVC-structure. This should
> > be a replacement for the actual CircuitView class and provide all
> > features, that the actual one does. I want to define the set of features
> > for that one later in the wiki and do some public research before
> > actually implementing this.
> >
> > Another point is the ComponentEditor (I hope this is the right name here,
> > haven't verified that). I mean that frame on the right, where you can
> > change the parameters for a selected Component.
> >
> > Finally I want to implement a basic Online-Help view. We could provide
> > DataEngines to get links for students (wikipedia could be useful,...),
> > the descriptions for components (that are available already), some kind
> > of community or collaborative based work (an idea to provide that later)
> > and so on.
> >
> > That's only a short overview here. As I said, I've got a meeting on
> > Monday and after that I will know more and tell you more.
> >
> > bye then
> > julian

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