[Ktechlab-devel] cleanup was: svn access + cleanup

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Sun Nov 11 18:40:56 UTC 2007

Julan Bäume wrote:
> Hi,
> I just finished the clean-up work I wanted to start with and checked it in 
> during the last hours. I also updated the wiki entry on how to get and 
> compile a fresh trunk checkout.
> See some comments and stuff as a response to Alans last mail.
> Am Sonntag, 11. November 2007 06:43:25 schrieb Alan Grimes:
>> My branch is pretty much abandoned right now, I am only working on the
>> trunk these days.
> I see, I haven't touched any source files yet, so we can put in your changes 
> easily.
>> Right now I have a version of trunk with the following changes:
>> A. Updated libtool and a current version of the KDE configuration files.
> Well, I just checked that stuff in. I removed all Makefile, Makefile.in, 
> configure,... (stuff that is generated by autotools).
> There are still some issues for me, because "make clean" doesn't remove 
> everything it should. Neither does "make distclean". I couldn't spot the 
> problem, yet.

> May be the Makefile.am files are out of sync with the sources (just guessing). 
> I'm not that familiar with the kde3 build tools, but I try to find out. You 
> mentioned, you let kdevelop generate some stuff for you, did it change any 
> Makefile.am files? You can check this with: "svn st | grep Makefile.am", 

Something on my system assumes it should report every malloc and every
free done by SVN. This causes the output to scroll on for thousands of
pages making any output generally useless. =(

I tried adding a 2>/dev/null but then I got nothing.

I hate linux.

atg at leenooks ~/source/ktechlab/trunk $ svn st 2>/dev/null | grep Makefile.am
atg at leenooks ~/source/ktechlab/trunk $

> it will show up all Makefile.am files with its state compared to svn.
You'll see
> an "M" for each modified file or just nothing. If so, can you send them to 
> me? Running

> find -name Makefile.am|xargs tar -czf Makefileam.tar.gz

I've never been able to get "find" to do anything useful. =P

> and send the result to me would be ok.

>> B. I have repaired a number of compile time warnings, including a number
>> of minor bugfixes.

> Fine! :)

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