[Ktechlab-devel] Matrix and vector classes...

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Tue Jun 26 03:41:00 UTC 2007

Note, in Ktechlab there is a class Matrix *AND* a class matrix. =P

the issue I have with how they're done is that the matrix implementation
is more than a bit messy and it uses a list of vectors internally,
vectors are a fairly heavy-weight objects in themselves and this adds

This is a set of matrix and vector classes I develed for a class I was
taking. I thought I could just drop them into ktechlab... Well, they
were written using Smalltalk conventions while Ktechlab uses C++
conventions... It took several days to do it....

Go ahead and make a "math" subdirectory for the project and put these in
it. Remove the classes matrix and Vector and use these instead.

They have a number of methods which should be helpful in cleaning up the
code of Matrix and elsewhere.

I have been using these in my own fork... This is part of the task of
reconciling the changes...

Opera: Sing it loud! :o(  )>-<
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