<html><head><style id="outgoing-font-settings">#response_container_BBPPID{font-family: initial; font-size:initial; color: initial;}</style></head><body contenteditable="false"><div id="response_container_BBPPID" style="outline:none;" dir="auto" contenteditable="true"> 1. For various reasons, your horizon may be rendered "from the outside". That's why you don't want to do a single 360 polygon. </div><div id="response_container_BBPPID" style="outline:none;" dir="auto" contenteditable="true"><br></div><div id="response_container_BBPPID" style="outline:none;" dir="auto" contenteditable="true">5. Scheduler does not make use of AH. It's been in my pipe for some time, but it's trickier than it seems. The first step would be to have two altitude restrictions, one for setting objects (the current one we have) and one for rising objects. <br style="display:initial"> <div id="blackberry_signature_BBPPID" name="BB10" dir="auto"> <div id="_signaturePlaceholder_BBPPID" name="BB10" dir="auto"><p dir="ltr">eric.dejouhanet@gmail.com - https://astronomy.dejouha.net</p></div> </div></div></body></html>