Greetings:<br><br>I think I have properly edited a new comets.dat file for kstars, using the instructions at:<br><a href="">
</a><br><br>I noticed that in the most recent kstars comet didn't put 17P/Holmes in the right place (now in outburst!), so I got the JPL comets file that was updated on 2007-Oct-27 02:10 -0700.<br><br>I found that kstars would hang on reading this file after the header lines were removed, and the new version from JPL was 3 spaces wider in the first column,
<br>so I used a regular expression in Geany to remove the 3 spaces.<br><br>I hope this is useful. Someone more experienced than me in kstars should check the locations of some more comets to see if it is really OK.<br><br>
Thanks,<br>-dwc<br>-- <br>-David Craig<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>"A Scottish baron has started up, his name I cannot remember, but he has put forth some wonderful mode by which all necessity of multiplications and divisions are commuted to mere additions and subtractions."
<br>-Johannes Kepler on John Napier