Kstars crashing

Hans hans at lambermont.dyndns.org
Tue Mar 30 10:24:57 BST 2021

Hi Wolfgang,

Wolfgang Reissenberger wrote on 20210330:
> This morning I had a kstars crash that appeared after kstars ran since yesterday evening.
> On the console, I found the following messages repeatedly:
> system: Cannot allocate memory
> /home/wolfgang/sterne-jaeger/git/stellarsolver/stellarsolver/astrometry/util/fitsbin.c:541:read_chunk: Couldn't mmap file "/home/wolfgang/.local/share/kstars/astrometry/index-4107.fits???

Looks like we have a memory leak of some sort that eventually prevented astrometry to not be able to mmap.
Do you have a system monitoring tool in your network that monitors this system ? Something like Check_mk or Nagios ?
That would be able to plot the system memory usage over time showing if this is the problem cause or not.

-- Hans

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