old releases

Jasem Mutlaq mutlaqja at ikarustech.com
Sat Jul 3 08:32:25 BST 2021

This is only possible now with MacOS DMGs.

For Linux, we have three technologies for a similar container:
1. AppImage
2. Flatpak
3. Snap

Over the years, I've tried all of them and none of them work
completely fine with KStars + INDI. Perhaps the closest thing that
came to it is AppImage. All don't have features for installing udev
rules AFAIK. We actually do have Flatpak and Snap packages for KStars
ALONE, without INDI. Having everything bundled would be a great
achievement for the project.

Best Regards,
Jasem Mutlaq

On Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 9:15 PM Hy Murveit <murveit at gmail.com> wrote:
> To preface, I know nothing about ppa's etc, so forgive me if this is a dumb question/request:
> Is there a way to allow users to revert to old releases (e.g. a combination of indi and kstars)? A very common complaint is:  "I just updated and my setup broke and I can go back to my good system". Sure, they could have backed up, but could we provide this service to them? BTW, of course, users who compile can do this in a straight-forward manner, but I'm assuming that those who compile are not those making that kind of complaint.
> I see that Rob distributes his Mac DMGs as a download, so at least for the Mac it would seem straight-forward to have a web-page with old DMG links.
> Hy

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