Resetting GitLab Fork

Robert Lancaster rlancaste at
Tue Oct 13 20:34:25 BST 2020

Hey guys,

I made some changes in my fork yesterday to support load and slew.  I committed the changes, sent them to GitLab and sent Jasem a merge request.  He found a more efficient way to write my method, so he did incorporate my changes, but he did it a little differently than in my merge request.  So now I need to update my fork to match master again with his changes not mine. I found a couple of different ways to do it online, and I was able to fix my local copy and update it to the upstream master, but most of them say to do the command "git push origin master —force” at the end to send my changes to the fork on GitLab, but this didn’t work, it rejected it. The other day I had a very similar problem, so I finally ended up deleting my fork and making a new one, but I think there should be a way to do it without having to go that far.  Does anyone know how to do this?


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