Focus and collimation using the Modulation Transfer Function

Patrick Molenaar pr_molenaar at
Fri Jun 12 11:55:49 BST 2020

Hi Wolfgang,

Thanks for the reply. I first wanted to see if this feature would be accepted by the group. If there would be a lot of rejection for this feature, then I know I don't have to start with it. I already have your vote :-)

I am still in the research phase for this feature, discussing with the person from the observatory how he has this feature in mind.
As soon as I have something more concrete about how I think it can be integrated in kstars, I will share it with the group.

Patrick (aka AstroRunner)

Van: Wolfgang Reissenberger <sterne-jaeger at>
Verzonden: vrijdag 12 juni 2020 12:44
Aan: Patrick Molenaar <pr_molenaar at>
CC: kstars-devel at <kstars-devel at>
Onderwerp: Re: Focus and collimation using the Modulation Transfer Function

Hi Patrick,
Sounds very reasonable, why not. Maybe you publish here a short sketch how you plan to integrate it. I would expect integrating the pure function is not that complicated, but integrating it nicely into the existing workflows, events, state machines etc is the main point.


Am 12.06.2020 um 11:49 schrieb Patrick Molenaar <pr_molenaar at<mailto:pr_molenaar at>>:


Someone from the observatory I visit frequently, informed me that he would like to have some software to help to focus and collimate his telescope using the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF). He is a scientist with quite some knowledge of optics and thought it would be nice to have this feature available in KStars/Ekos.

As I have developed the Bahtinov Focus Assistant in KStars I offered my help for implementing this feature. Of course I would like to consult this group before I start implementing. Do you agree too that this feature (focus and collimate using MTF) would be a nice addition to KStars?

I am looking forward to your replies.

Kind regards,

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