[Kstars-devel] hello from a naked-eye observer

mph mph at emotrics.com
Mon Apr 4 08:25:53 CEST 2005


I am a new member of this list, as well as a newbie in learning the in's and 
out's of open source, kde, and proper mailing list etiquette.  (please let me 
know if I am using this forum incorrectly)  I don't really even use email 
much, but I am impressed by the kstars program and your efforts to create a 
kstars community.  I feel I may be a little different from the normal kstars 
user as I don't have a telescope or CCD camera, but this gives me a different 
perspective as well as a different wishlist.

I am interested in astronomical myth.  I would be like to be able to display 
other constellation patterns besides the one in clines.dat. (i.e. switch 
between IAU constellations currently in clines.dat and traditional patterns 
from other cultures from an alternative clines.dat I would create).  In fact, 
I would like the ability to display other graphics (like line drawings) 
superimposed on the sky.  Then, I could display images like those from the 
Uranometria on the sky and even print them.  In terms of other cultures, I 
would pair the ability of displaying different constellations along with the 
ability to display different names for stars (Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, etc.)  

Is anyone else interested in these types of features?  Unfortunately, they 
could potentially require a significant shift in the data formats.  Is this 
the proper place to send this, or am I supposed to be using the kde 


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