<div dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Hi,</p>
<p dir="ltr">While trying to build kst2 with GSL on Debian, using steps described here :<br>
<a href="https://kst-plot.kde.org/download/source_code.phphttps://kst-plot.kde.org/download/source_code.php" target="_blank">https://kst-plot.kde.org/download/source_code.phphttps://kst-plot.kde.org/download/source_code.php</a></p>
<p dir="ltr">I had to ignore the "can't find cbp file" in QtCreator after setting the build dir, andcmake was launched, but GSL_DIR was not found.</p>cmake says: "<span style="font-family:'Monospace';font-size:11pt;color:rgb(49,55,57)">Not found: Gsl, set GSL_DIR"</span><p dir="ltr">I set it on the terminal prior launch of QtCreator. That's apparently not enough. What's the way to go ? I must be missed a point here.</p><p>QTCreator is version 3.2.1 based on Qt 5.3.2 (GCC 4.9.2, 64 bit)<br></p><p dir="ltr">The kst2 source is a git clone from github's master</p><p dir="ltr">I could compile and run kst2 without GSL though.<br></p><p dir="ltr">
<p dir="ltr">Thanks,<br></p>
<p dir="ltr">Adrien</p>