[Kst] Kst video tutorials available

Nicolas Brisset nicolas.brisset at free.fr
Thu Nov 13 21:51:30 UTC 2014


Since I have the feeling that many users are disconcerted by Kst, which has a very efficient but quite different user interface paradigm compared to scidavis/veusz/qtiplot/Origin/labplot I took some time to produce a few screencasts, which hopefully illustrate the way you can work with Kst. In short, I'd describe it as "simple by default, but powerful when needed".
You can find the videos on http://kst-plot.kde.org/video_tutorials/ or directly on youtube.com on the kst plot channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuYlIZjLCWsDS6d3ghVZWrA/feed 

I am planning to add some -hopefully accurate and unbiased- information on the different tools in the benchmarks section of the Kst homepage, not only in terms of speed but also comparing user-friendliness and feature sets.

Of course, I am happy about any feedback even critical as long as it's constructive!


P.S.: don't hesitate to distribute the information to other people you think may be interested. 

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