[Kst] Kst Crash

Ben Lewis egretengineering at gmail.com
Sat Jan 18 10:34:23 UTC 2014

Hi Peter / Kst,

The changes you've made work great! I can now load, large, live data files. Thank you.

Also, there are now no delays in the data wizard. Thank you.

It seems that the new progress bar only gets used on files over a certain size. I like that.

There are still some minor things that need to be fixed before the next release:

  * Progress bar gets stuck at 50%
  * I sometimes get snippets of data missing in a live plot. If I restart Kst and reload the data
    there are no missing bits. This seems to happen when there is a large amount of network traffic.
  * Every so often Kst seems to read an entire vector from the start after the initial read is done.
    I noticed this when the temporary console log file was enabled. I can still see one of the
    symptoms, which is an increased CPU load on the remote PC every time Kst reads the entire
    vector. This is not very noticeable on small files but the file size gets larger it becomes much
    more noticeable.
  * "Out of Memory" error http://kde.6490.n7.nabble.com/Out-of-memory-error-td1555215.html
  * "FFT Length" is editable when "Interleaved Average" is deselected.
  * Time axis does not update after changing sample frequency.
    https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=328481 It looks like the behaviour of this bug has changed
    but it is still not right yet. I can provide more details if required.
  * Temporary memory is not freed after reading data from an ASCII file. As it stands at the moment
    approximately twice as much RAM is required than is really necessary.

If you need clarification or further testing on any of these please let me know. I'm happy to help 
out in any way I can.

Regards, Ben

On 17/01/2014 10:09 PM, Peter Kümmel wrote:
> On 06.01.2014 11:38, Peter Kümmel wrote:
>>> It seems that regular updates should be disabled during the use of the ASCII Wizard and
>>> during the first read. Once loaded, regular updates can resume. What do you think?
>> Good catch Ben! Yes, this should be fixed.
> Fixed, monitoring the file now starts when initial reading is done.
>>> Ben
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