[Kst] branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/cmake

Brisset, Nicolas Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com
Tue Jul 17 22:05:18 UTC 2012

I haven't done anything to autolayout for several months.
Yes, but I thought it was fixed and working properly most of the time now. Either I've run into a mode where it insists on doing it differently from what I want, or it needs more work.

I will be very very busy with integrating the BLASTpol experiment for the next month or so, and so I don't anticipate being able to rework autolayout for 2.0.6.

However, please open a bug with a description of how you would like autolayout to work, and I can look at it in the fall.
I will either look into it myself (though I have loads of work too and don't really have time) or document the issues I have with it.

Sorry it is causing you grief :-(
Yes, it is not fun when you can't arrange the plots in the way you want. It actually quite gets on one's nerves. To be honest, I think a new user would be scared away in the situation I am facing.
Hope we can fix it definitively "soon".

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