[Kst] Re: OS X plugin directory for non-installed build

Ted Kisner tskisner.public at gmail.com
Thu Dec 2 17:27:14 CET 2010

Hi Nicolas,

On Dec 1, 2010, at 11:28 PM, Brisset, Nicolas wrote:
> If I understand you right, without this patch kst can be run but the
> datasources and plugins won't work, which means it's basically useless?

exactly.  I also had to modify the config.pri file, which was excluding mac os from the normal pkg-config checks for getdata, cfitsio, gsl, and netcdf.  cfitsio, gsl and netcdf can be installed with macports and use pkg-config just fine.  Same with getdata installed to /usr/local.  Does anyone know the reason why these config tests were originally disabled for mac?

That previous patch fixes the "finding of datasources", but it looks like all of plugins are not being built- so I am trying to sort that out now...


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