[Kroupware] Bynari Questions

Stephan Buys s.buys at icon.co.za
Mon May 5 13:56:38 CEST 2003

Hi all,

Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this question, but as you guys might have some experience in this field I thought I'd ask anyway.

I am having problems moving all my folders onto the IMAP mailstore with Bynari.

1) The mail is being delivered to my Personal Folders. (If I do a Sync and recieve my mail through the IMAP mailbox Outlook does
not interpred meeting requests properly)
2) When I want to create a meeting request on my IMAP calendar Outlook notifies me that it will not track answers to the meeting
request as I am not using the default Calendar.
3) When I set Outlook's default delivery to my IMAP pst file I get all sorts of permission errors and it keeps on moving my Calendar
folder between the root of the pst file and subfolders in the IMAP Inbox.

Anyone have any workarounds for these situations?

All help greatly appreciated!


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