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<p>Hi everybody,</p>
<p>usually I use KPA with the language set to German (de_DE) which has a funny effect:</p>
<p>Select one person from the people category and then select "No other". The entry in German is "keine weiteren". This is sorted below "N" ... Strange. Most probably this is because the original term is "no other" or such. As I'd like to do some more checking ...
<p>... I wanted to see how this looks with the English UI and I am stumped: Changing the language does not work for me. Or am I exceptionally stupid today?</p>
<p>I use "Settings" (Einstellungen) ... "configure language" (Sprache einrichten ...) ... and select "Englisch en_US" (or en_GB). Then close KPA and start it again. Nothing happens. I even tried to set the language in the KDE settings to English.</p>
<p>Funny however, one of my databases starts with the English UI, all the others with German (??). How and where is this configured? I do not see anything in .config/kphotoalbumrc ...
<p>... With this database I see, that the "No other" pseudo Name is sorted on top of the list (as it should be).</p>
<p>so to recap:</p>
<p>1. language selection does not work (for me?)</p>
<p>2. with the German UI the pseudo name "No other" / "keine weiteren" is neither sorted on top or below "K" but below "N"
<p>I am currently at: v5.11.0-151-ge304108a</p>
<p>Cheers, Andreas
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