[KPhotoAlbum] Debug code

Johannes Zarl-Zierl johannes at zarl-zierl.at
Mon Sep 18 19:54:18 BST 2017

Hi Robert,

On Sonntag, 17. September 2017 23:23:04 CEST Robert Krawitz wrote:
> I notice in the latest push that the debug code is conditionalized by
> #ifdef's.  Perhaps it would be desirable to have debugging runtime
> conditional (via environment variable or command-line arguments)
> rather than having to recompile?

You're right. All new KDE code is encouraged to use categorized logging[1]. 
I've been meaning to educate myself on it and to port to the new paradigm, but 
(you guessed it) I didn't have the timeā€¦


[1] https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qloggingcategory.html#details

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