[KPhotoAlbum] Second iteration of experimental image grouping patch

Tero Tilus tero at tilus.net
Tue Dec 4 00:31:53 GMT 2007

2007-12-04 00:22, Paul Fleischer:
> This makes me think of introducing "views". A view would basically
> be a search-expression of tags to show, and tags not to show.

Search result by another name?

> I don't know if negations are currently implemented, can anyone
> clarify this?

At least to a degree that you can use not-operator '!' in search
dialog.  See KPhotoAlbum handbook page 17.  :)


> Different people could then have different views. And one could even
> have different views for different occasions.

Would you call those saved searches "bookmarks"?  I would.  ;)

> On the other hand, this approach might be severe overkill

Only if we do not have the necessary foundation already implemented.
For what I know, I'd assume it's mostly there.

Tero Tilus ## 050 3635 235 ## http://www.tilus.net/koti/tero/

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